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How to install a Driver

This article applies to models that requires drivers to work.

Here are the steps to install a device driver, in case that this device does not have any installation software:

1. On your Desk, create a new folder called "Driver".

2. Copy the file downloaded (the driver) into the folder.

3. Run the "EXE" file or unzip if it is a "ZIP" or "RAR" (placing it in the same folder). We can unzip it in two ways: by running the compressor or by pressing the right button of the mouse on the downloaded driver icon and selecting "extract here". Remember to place a checkmark on "Show extracted files when completed" after extraction.

4. To view file extensions should go to Organize> Folder Options and Search> View and uncheck the option "Hide extensions for known files types".

5.  Go to Start> Control Panel. 

6. Choose System and Security> Device Manager.

7. On Device Manager, choose the device that we want to install the driver of (in this case the monitor). Right click on it and select "Update driver software".

8. In the coming dialog, choose the option “Browse my computer for driver software".

9. In the next screen select “Browse” to find the driver folder.

10. Now we must choose the desired model from the list that will appear later.

11. Follow the instructions.

In case that we do not see the device model that we want to install, let’s do the following:

1. In the second dialog box choose the option “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”.

2. Choose the option Have Disk> Browse.

3. Choose the desired model from the list that will come later.

4. Follow the instructions.